Monday, October 29, 2007

From Brown, to Blonde, to BALD??!!

The damage has begun

Uh-ohh...cutter's remorse perhaps?

Natural beauty mark??? My favorite part of the whole experience!

What’s next from this icon of style? Or at least that’s what we’re hoping people begin wondering when they see Gary’s latest fashion faux-paw! Just as Adam Sandler made wetting one’s pants ‘Cool’ in "Billy Madison"– I really believe Gary has made Mr. Clean more than just a Halloween costume idea for those with follicle failure. It’s totally spring ’08. This kid is always ahead of the rest.

That…or he was really really tired and sad about his damaged multi-bleaching treatments and acted before he thought. You decide.
Poor Gary had such cutter’s remorse the following morning and was just sure if only he could find a tanning bed – things would improve radically. I assured him it would grow back quickly. Bald man after bald man – he would ask me to compare his hair length to theirs. I tried my hardest to conceal my giggles. Then little ‘ol Gary started getting so cold – he is now convinced of the warmth your hair brings you. But then every time he’d try to warm his head up with a beanie or something he’d cry out in pain as the material clung to his stubby head. Again, I tried to conceal the humor I found in it all. I told him he should try and get the goose bumps because whenever I get them my leg hair grows a little bit and they’re no longer smooth like butter. (Actually…they are very rarely smooth like butter…)
But the best comment of the day was when he saw a picture of that Beckham soccer guy and asked, “Why does he look so good with a shaved head?”
But I’ll have to say, I think the kid can pull off just about anything. I’m totally use to it, and am beginning to think he’s kind of hot with the new locks…or lack thereof.