Thursday, September 18, 2008

School Scandals

So this is my class back in the day! I'm the slightly cheeky (as in 'full' cheeks) one in the front row. But I gotta say I was smart then too. That pretty skinny girl over my shoulder with the dark hair, was my very best friend Jenny Lee. I knew then, just like I know now...surround yourself with the lookers and you'll go a long way!!!

I'm sure those of you that have kids of your own know that there can be some pretty classic comments that escape their lips. A few that have put a smile on my face in the past few weeks....

* So today during lunch... free talk time... I felt some true empathy for a student. While Lee asked Graham if he had a girlfriend, Graham happily expressed, "No - but I'm looking for one!" Yeah too.

* My little Goldilocks came to give me "my afternoon hug" (which then prompts the entire class to rush up and attempt to be the next to show me their affection - but I can't help it, I love her hugs!). As she's hugging me (Well first of all let's just say I look cuter (and I guess skinnier) some days than others...) she looks up at me with her big blue eyes and asks, "Miss Ure are you going to have a baby? - because your tummy is really big." I said, "No you little stinker, that's rude now go sit down!" (Should I worry that that wasn't the first time I'd been mistaken for prego???)

* It being Friday and all I like to bring something fresh to the table. So today during my lunch, I felt it was very appropriate to introduce them to my skills of being a ventriloquist. I was just sure you couldn't see my mouth moving as I introduced my hand puppet - but apparently they claimed it was moving a whole bunch...I doubt it! I've been practicing for years now. My little ducky puppet friend told them a great story trying with all his might to avoid any word's beginning with the letters "m" or "n" such as Miss Ure etc. - with those words I just can't manage to keep my lips still. The rest of the day my class attempted to talk to me in an individualized ventriloquist manner. Funny??? Yes it was!

* Apparently 'potty talk' was today's theme. My students LOVE to abuse the restroom privileges and go about a thousand times a day. Today Alex interrupted my lessons 3 separate times and that is most def. not my favorite thing. On his 3rd attempt I mentioned that he really seemed to have more than necessary requests for his bathroom privileges, his quick response with a smile was, "But my penis will go in my pants!" - in case you weren't already aware of my very mature nature - I happen to hate those...politically correct?...terms for the human anatomy. - So in my attempt to not cringe and giggle at the same time I immediately dismissed him.

* Later the same day at P.E., they worked on their bean bag tossing skills. Often I like to accompany the JP classes to PE and recess. This is where all the great action happens. Unexpectedly Ken was thrown his bean bag and yelled for all to hear, "That hit me in the nuts!!!" - I'm sorry to have to report that I was so caught off guard that I actually let out a snort to accompany his crassness. It gave me a smile for at least the next 15 minutes. Aren't I the classiest gal...let alone teacher... you know??!!!
* Sometimes I like to talk in an unfamiliar voice to keep their attention on me. Today they got a kick out of my "nano nano" hand signals that zapped them quiet when they disrupted my lesson and "weird" monotone speaking. When the alien comes to get them they know they're busted big time!