Well inspiration has finally hit. Lindsey came over and we decided to watch "The Biggest Loser" finale. Ahh - why not we thought get ourselves a little inspiration to drop a few. After all, we both just returned from a great week long vacation in Colorado...where we may have ate a little more than our fair share. Perhaps it could have gone unnoticed if my Mammie weren't around. That woman has some sort of secret power that enables her to know exactly when Lindsey and I are putting something other than celery into our mouths. Yeah...there wasn't a whole lot of celery eating in Colorado. That woman has created us to be total closet eaters.
I don't know how many times I've heard about how her waist was a 22 when she got married...so is my thigh...big freaking deal! For years she has called us "Helga and Olga" her "BIG" Hungarian daughters. I've told her she's going to make me go Anorexic (I know - not something to joke about...unless there is no way possible you could have an issue with it even if you tried, I mean I can't even skip one freaking meal for crying out loud!) and that she should call me "Anna" all day to stick with the theme. She then proudly cheers me on as I falter from my lack of eating all the while she's letting me know she'll be more than happy to visit me in the hospital. Oh thanks mama...little brat that I love!
And it ain't just my mama - my dad...totally seriously one day...mentioned that perhaps I should do what those guys do that have to get their mouths wired shut. Oh believe me...I'd be the one person to gain a few even on a pure liquid diet.
So all in all...as Lindsey and I sat, eating all the cookie dough from my tasty carton of ice cream, (ok that was just me - ) watching this inspiring finale of all these fatty's turning into skinny's...or littler fatty's. - we decided it was time. It is time to make mama proud. (Although all week in Colorado with my mom's disappointing glare as I taste tested all in sight - I told her I would go to med school or law school...her choice...just to make her proud of me. Cause that's all a girl could want is her mama to be proud of her - right? Her only curt reply was, "Stop stuffing your face and act like a lady, then I'll be proud." Uhhh...I'll start studying for the LSAT mom!
So with all the fat haters around us we gotta play the game. So "URE BIGGEST LOSER" is on!!! It's me...It's Lindsey...and it's an all out competition. And...No Summer Thacker...there will be no numbers publicly discussed for you to gossip about. However we will be giving you weekly compared updates and letting you know who is in the lead. So place your bets and give us your predictions. Ain't no more (949) CAT-LARD it's only going to be (949) BAT(tling)-LARD from now on!
p.s. But for the record...Lindsey will always be "the biggest looser " in my book!