Thursday, September 14, 2006

As Seen on TV

As if my first debut on national television during the O.J. Simpson trial wasn’t enough, I’ve gone and again made myself look the fool! Ahh well, I’m always about creating great memories.
So I was asked to be on a new game show where I could win a lot of money - I was anticipating riches. However I seemed to have forgotten that I am horrible when it comes to trivia and even worse at deciphering winning strategies. But it would be fun right?
Well after 2 entire days of being locked up in solitary confinement I was over finding any fun in waiting. It was just me, my ipod, and Sudoku (I wasn’t even able to complete an entire Sudoku puzzle without cheating) and a lot of time to kill. Well, eventually they called me and got me ready for stardom.
To make a really long story short and to the point basically I cussed, I fell out of my chair, and I lost. Actually, I really didn’t curse - but unless they edit on my behalf the entire viewing audience will think I did. I was saying, “SHIZ” repeatedly and habitually, and apparently over the mic it sounds a whole lot different. I told the host to please let America know that I was a good mormon girl and I don’t cuss. We’ll see....and I have now officially found cause to break that bad habit.
I did in fact fall off my chair in a bit of excitement and then moments later proceeded to accidently hit my own face. Again, if the editing is in my favor you will have never had known if it weren’t for my blog spilling the beans.
And yes, I lost...horribly so! I needed a partner to take charge and lead out our strategy. Instead they were trying to make me a love connection. But I will say that my partner John does in fact come off a lot more intelligent than I. However I tried to act the part as I eyed a few members of the audience in a plea for help. One poor guy kept trying to mouth to me the name of some Robin WIlliams film but for the life of me I couldn’t read his lips. During the break the producer asked me who I kept smiling at...I just told them some cute boy was flirting with me. Geez! Could I please think before I act?!?
All in all, I had a great time and was glad I wasn’t nervous and could be myself. The real test of truth will be when I watch it on t.v. and realize that me being myself is quite often embarrassing. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have to watch myself be myself...but rather I get my amusement from watching you be yourself!