Trey was happy to graduate his week of Bella's Boot Camp!!! But I miss him already! He gave me a big thumbs up as I documented the special moment. I love the other pictures of him in his chosen time out spot. He was so good about accepting the consequences of not listening or choosing to have a freak out moment. He would even time himself and not leave time out until his time was up. We had a fun week together and I think we both learned a little better how to be in charge of our freak outs! I love my cutie pie Trey.
I called to check in on him once he was back at home for a full day. He had a few episodes and his siblings egged him on knowing that he was working hard to control his freak outs. His mom said that she could hear him all day telling his siblings, "You're NOT Bella! You're NOT Bella!" He wanted them to remember that he didn't have to answer to them - I gotta say that I'm kind of liking the influence and the sort of power that comes along with this mothering type of thing! I could get very use to it!!!