Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dr. Dr. - give me the news!

Lucky for me the only thing I might possibly have wrong with me can be fixed by the infamous Dr. Laura! ruthless she can be, and right all at the same time. Growing up my mom always had the annoying voice of Dr. Laura on the radio whenever we were in the car. Seriously - it drove me nuts. She always cuts people off, belittles them, doesn't know the whole story before throwing advice at the caller, and is downright rude most of the time.

Rude...but apparently right I've come to find out! This lady might be the ultimate reason I eventually get myself married. You see - in the dating world I kind of am really good at screwing things up. First dates galore...second dates...far and few between. Somehow I have the ability to turn a boy off to the idea of liking me faster than I can scarf down a Baja bowl! (And when I get a baja bowl, bravo style, with blackened fish, and pinto beans - believe me that it's gone in NO time at all.)

The revelation came to me just recently. I mean I'm not stupid - I realize I'm single cause something might actually be wrong with me (at least that's what the bishop says...) but actually I've come to think it's more so what I may be doing that is so wrong.

So I have this friend of mine. We've been really good friends actually for a while now. It started off with him pretty much worshiping the ground I walked on, me telling him continually it's never going to work, him finally believing me, and then me throwing a tantrum cause he went on his merry way. Yeah - lame cycle right?? But perhaps a very important one to make me see the error of my ways. I mean - isn't the ultimate goal to end up with someone that worships the ground you walk on (with all the other important stuff too)? Perhaps not for you - but for me I love the idea! So after my many a tantrum I decided to whip open Dr. Laura's, "10 Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives." I was at least willing to admit that something I was or wasn't doing was pretty stupid and if I ever want to have this marriage thing happen I'd better learn the error of my ways.

Well after highlighting the entire book - I feel like a new woman. That's not to say I've mastered even one of her admonitions - but what hope has been restored. Boys and girls...the day shall indeed come when I will get married! Miracles have not ceased - (cause my mom thinks it'll take a miracle...and...oh...ok- I think it'll take one too)

So I do apologize for the lack of internet updates - but I've been busy. Revamping my way of life takes time guys! I mean I could bore you with all the mistakes I continue to make in the dating world, but I wouldn't want you to cry you were laughing at me so hard. Or...maybe that might be a fun idea...