Or at least an 'Honorary' one!
it was off the hook dude!
Lauren Geeves got married last weekend to Stevey Bennett. Now that's a cute couple. Needless to say it was a great reason to bring home the goods from Provo! That would be none other than my lovely Fister...Alice Hobbins! Who will soon become my very first roommate in a really really long time. (We'll see if it lasts...I mean I'm kinda particular about a few things!) But perhaps it will help cure the disease of loner status that I've acquired. But I gotta admit, I kind of like being a hermit. Ex: When my allergies start going crazy and all I want to do is itch my stinking throat, make that lovely growling sound, crack my neck, and jerk my arm like I've been hit with a sudden dose of turrets... it's better if I'm only interupting my own quiet time. (Only a few of you special close ones will get a smile from that!) So Alice...get your bootie down here and show me how it's done. We gots some fun to have!
p.s. Did I mention that there actually is a song entitled, "Always a Bridesmaid Never a Bride" and my mom MADE me do a song and dance to it at our Family Talent Show??? Yeah...jokes on me right? Thanks mammie.