Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Night Lights & Silent Nights (yeah right...not with Gary!)

Probably my most 2 favorite boys in the whole entire world!

Last weekend was a little slice of Heaven cause I got to be with My Briti, My Jay, and Everyone's Gary. We did a little of this and a little of that...and then I somehow convinced Gary to come to an H.B. singles gathering. Ummm.. for those of you that don't know about these infamous Mormon gatherings let me enlighten you a bit.

Basically if you're single and Mormon (ok - I guess not necessarily 'Mormon' - I mean Kareokee Dave has no issues pursuing those not of his faith. More power to you man...more power to you!) and between the ages of 17-35 (well actually the old "Ho House" crew takes the age level up a notch or two) and willing to drive from 5-60 miles to arrive at your destination (and why wouldn't you be...I mean a boy's gotta find his future lady no matter the miles he might rack up. Although regardless of the hours you spend traveling for hopeful lucky love you still only see the same people you saw last weekend at the San Diego party!) then it means you're going to pretty much end up at one of these get togethers.

Sometimes these party's have themes - such as: "Pimp and Ho Party" (that's where Mormon's take the opportunity/excuse to dress skanky and show a little more than the Sunday dress code allows. Oh wait.... or was that Halloween?) or sometimes these parties are in honor of a special occasion. Birthday's are great - it basically allows for a party to be thrown a few times a week even. So us lonely ones have plenty of opportunities to mingle like life long singles. Now it may sound as if I'm describing these celebrations in a negative light. Let me correct you on that. I am not above it I will admit. However, I go through phases where I can and cannot handle the idea of walking into a social gathering with the unmet anticipation of leaving with my heart skipping a beat.

Well...I'm giving it another shot. So for a record breaking 2 weekends in a row I have 'gone out' and I've actually had a good 'ol time. Don't mistake a good time for having found my "Love Potion #9" actually able to cast a spell on one lucky fellow...cause that didn't happen. But I saw a few people that were actually interested in having a real conversation and weren't just anticipating the next words that would come out of their own mouth.

Gary, knowing the culture I'm weaving my way back into, was not too hard to talk into going with me. He may have been expecting a little comedy watching me try to get into my groove, and I was counting on him for a little humor relief when my social anxiety made me break out in hives. So off we went. We drove with two friends Brock and Tyrone and I don't know if they quite followed the "remember when"s that we couldn't shut up about.

We were a little early upon getting there (why may I ask do we start everything at like 11pm when we all know we're just sitting around doing nothing waiting for 11 to roll around), and I refused to go in till it was crowded enough that I could be incognito. Immediately Gary and I sat next to the fire with the perfect view of all arriving guests. This is the way I prefer it, an ability to people watch everyone without them really noticing me. We were really waiting for my mini crush to arrive. I've had this ongoing mini for like 2 years now and haven't really said more than a hello to him. But with Gary at my side, I was determined to show him my skills. Well let's just say that my mini did eventually arrive. I attempted to talk to him (and yes I had to start the conversation), I had a very brief one way conversation (that would be me pretty much talking to myself cause I don't even think we made eye contact the whole time. His eyes were wandering all over the place apparently searching for his next fling) and then he let me off easy and didn't even make me end the conversation. At least that's what I told myself when midway through my sentence he walked off and I was left REALLY talking to myself.

Wait, no, that's not right. I had GARY listening to me the whole time. He was listening to me in utter amazement at my inability to act smooth, mysterious, or just plain feminine towards my mini crush.
Well needless to say, nobody left with my digits in hand. But not to worry - I'm sure this weekend I can go to another H.B. rager and give it another shot with all the same people. Gary has accepted the service project of 'yours truly', and insists he can turn this dating disaster into something a little more desirable. We shall see....I mean good for him if he can. Geez - I know quite a few worried friends and family that would gladly throw in some reward money to see him succeed! But till that miracle materializes, at least Gary and I can enjoy a 5 minute finale as we do our thing on the dance floor (it's usually just the living room floor actually) before making the hour drive back to our safe havens of home.
So basically my revamped attempts at being a socialite have left me without a whole lot. Ahhh - such is life!

Me, Tyrone, Aubs, Brock

The best house we found...lights flashed right along side the best Christmas tunes!

After a lovely Holiday FHE... this little quad adventured out to check out the highs and lows of Holiday Christmas decorations. I gotta say there were some real winners out there! I'm all about getting right into the Christmas spirit this year.