If your going to be jealous of anything I do...then you should be jealous of the weekend I had! Briti, my BFF Butterfly, and I did what we always said we'd one day do. Well last weekend was the perfect time to do it. It started off with my forcing Briti to take a pregnancy test at about Midnight on our way to pick up some delicious Maggie Moo's for everyone. We went to the grocery store and got and asked where the tests were. It was hilarious because everyone assumed we were the happy couple expecting good news! Now this isn't the first time we've done this - but last time her husband Jason was with us.
As we were walking into the bathroom we were told over the loud speaker that they wanted to know the results too. Well in about 5 minutes time we saw a lovely two lines indicating that Briti was in fact with child! We were ecstatic and overwhelmed! I came out of the bathroom exclaiming, "It's a girl!" and we went to the front to asked the night employees if they agreed with my diagnosis. Britni was somewhat skeptical and just couldn't believe it. All the workers said that we were definitely prego and we left speechless!
Brit wanted to keep it a secret from everyone till at least she had a chance to tell J. So we had fun keeping out secret just between the two of us for a while. We then decided that the time was NOW to play a little Thelma and Louise. So on Sunday morning we borrowed Susi's convertible BMW, grabbed our scarfs, and drove where the wind would take us. It took us all the way to Santa Barbara.
I can hardly even explain how much stinking fun it was! We stopped whenever we wanted and did whatever we wanted. We found the cutest little bed and breakfast and became obsessed with the quaintness of the area. I told the front desk guy that we would be checking in under the name, "Mouse...Mickey Mouse" because we didn't want to be bothered by anyone during our short trip away. He thought I was crazy - until I told him little did he know that we were basically celebrities where we came from. Umm hadn't he heard of "Laguna Beach"??? - well I let him know that I in fact new a friend that new a friend that actually had one time seen L.C. across the street from her! He didn't mess with me after that. In fact he even let us take their tandem bike out way past their curfew!
We shopped and rode bikes and had to take some brakes to let the little one rest. My little Pearl (that's her name...and YES we are just sure it's going to be a girl!) is a little champ! Britni was a little more tired than usual but that didn't keep everything obnoxious hidden. When we would ride up and down the boardwalk on our tandem bike - she would think it was so funny to lift up my dress right as I was waving to each passerby. I would scream and we'd almost fall off the bike everytime...and she did it way too many times past funny! Then we rode in the skate park, but I don't think the little skater punks really welcomed us there as we bottomed out on each ramp.
Britni was really amazed at how much I truly wanted to reenact scenes from Thelma and Louise. When we were riding at full speed on the pier and people were moving out of our way as I yelled, "watch out - here come Thelma and Louise and we're going to jump!" she got a little nervous. Luckily we were able to slide to a stop before going off the edge.
We had a great time and we were sad to leave. However, we have planned to make this happen on a regular basis. We just have to make sure good 'ol Susi will let us drive that fun car - cause I have to believe the wind in our hair made all the difference in the world!