Are you kidding me? I hated running cross country in High School...what makes anyone think that I'm going to start liking it now?! Lindsey and her bright ideas! She picked me up early in the morning to go and run a 5k with her. Well, the good sport that I am I hardly even complained. In fact - Skylar and I decided to start right at the front of the start line to see what it felt like to be a winner. So we threw Lindsey the leash to the dog that we weren't even allowed to have there and off we started at the front of the pack! Holding hands we quickly moved to the side so we didn't get trampled and waited for Lindsey and Page (Ryan's friend) - we couldn't find them. So then we decided to wait a little longer because maybe Micah and the baby would show up for us to walk with. Umm...we never saw them either! So what did we do? We made our way to the finish line and waited there!
Now that's my idea of a 5k done well! This cougar has got to cut some that kind of better believe it!