Thursday, October 11, 2007

Don't push me...push a push pop -you brat!

Apparently Gary has forgotten that I'm a lady! He seems to think I'm one of his brothers or something! So we were leaving our apartment the other day and occasionally I think it's funny to ding dong ditch a few doors on my way to the elevator. I especially think it's funny if I'm in front of Gary and he has to then run super fast to not get caught for my tricks.

Well earlier today he was being a punk to me (cause he didn't take his Adderall!) and so I decided to play the tricks on him. One, two, three doors and I was sprinting as fast as I could for a fourth before hitting the elevator. I can't seem to run as fast as I did in Cross Country (ohh wait...scratch that - I NEVER ran fast in CC.) because I was almost wetting my pants I was laughing so hard. But all of a sudden it's as if Superman with all of his Super strength pushed me and I went flying. The next thing I know I'm literally sliding 10 feet on the carpeted ground...AND IT HURT REAL BAD! Off Gary goes laughing hysterically and trying to reach the elevator as fast as he can so only I get caught by our neighbors.

I hear 3 separate doors open and they all start talking Chinese to each other and then there's me - lying spread out and face down on the nasty floor. With my head still spinning at the thought that Gary just actually pushed me as hard as he could, I quietly said, "Sorry I got pushed into your doors" and I got up and limped to the elevator. Once in the elevator, Gary is jumping around like a laughing hyena and trying to shut the doors before any of the neighbors walk to the elevator. So perhaps he's going to get away with it - but I'm pretty sure they know who the white American was lying on the floor!

He attempts to apologize but can't really do it sincerely because he thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. Meanwhile with my nasty rug burn I can't even put my arm straight it stings so bad. Then for the rest of the night even though I would occasionally laugh at the thought of the sight I must have been, I still couldn't fathom how I'd become an equal with Gary enough so that he could actually push me that hard.

Let's just say he's got it coming...he's got it coming!
p.s. - he said I literally slid for ten feet!!!

p.p.s. - Our favorite Hong Kong friends flew back today. We can't wait to get together with them when we go home too! Love you Angie and Lorelle!