Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Textile...Stay awhile!

So after my lovely 12 hour sleep I’m pretty sure I kicked any jet lag in the rear. I woke up happier than my mom would ever believe. And nothig could have made my morning more complete than watching Gary change literally at least 22 times….I’m NOT joking! That boy is hilarious and don’t you worry that he finally hit the mark with the perfect outfit.
Off to the convention center we went. Textiles galore…more than we could even begin to handle. I did my best to look professional as I followed ‘the designer, Gary’ along and grabbed swatches for him and his future collection. I pulled info from who knows where and acted like a pro that had been in the industry for years. Those darn Chinese just went with it. We were in our element acting very important.
On our way out of the overwhelming show we met 2 locals from Southern Ca. that were there showing some of their product. We were thrilled to have made Hong Kong buddies! They were pure California!
It is muggier than muggy. It’s as if outside we are walking with a gray cloud above us almost suffocating us. And I tell you there are some nasty smells here. And anyone that knows me is well aware of my ridiculous ability to smell all things within a ten mile radius…a curse that is resulting in a frequent gag reflex out here. So I have yet to find something that appears to be appetizing. But despite all that might sound pessimistic and negative in my reports– this is quite the place.
Oh.. but I will mention that I’m ready to sue all banks and credit card companies! They bite and there was a little Godzilla that crept out of me today in my dealings with them! Soooo annoying!